Tag Archives: Conference

Recap jQuery Europ 2013 – More than jQuery

According to Richard D. Worth (Director of the jQuery foundation) over 50 percentage of websites in general use the de-facto standard jQuery for JavaScript-development. So it’s no wonder that Europe’s first ever jQuery conference completely sold out. Host Haymo Meran of Gentics did more than just meeting the expectations of the attendees. The location itself – the historic Palais Liechtenstein in Vienna – proved to be worth the trip, even for longer journeys, and set an impressive stage – also thanks to the intensive snowfall.

But despite Vienna being a wonderful place to be, jQuery is the focus, as the event’s name tells – but not alone. The schedule showed a lot of variation, as well as featuring highly acclaimed speakers on an international level, reaching form accessibility to security, from code to inspiration. I had the honor to talk abut jQuery in terms of Machine to Machine communication (M2M) in a hopefully inspiring way (thanks to Daniel Koch for the nice German summery of my talk). The conference was accompanied by a barcamp, featuring even more sessions in a “meet the experts lounge”, where attendees could contribute, and enter the stage as speakers.

It was an outstanding event and incase you missed it, we can tell that chances are great to have a jQuery Europe again next year. I definitely hope so! Visit Developer Garden for the full recap, photos and further details (English and German).

Upcoming Talks

Note to my self, where and what I will talking about:

December 2012

Mobile Monday Berlin, Predictions 2013
Next Generation Media / A new era of platforms – how mobile application platforms are driving Change (English/German)

Developer Garden TechTalk Berlin
Voice dialog systems: Communicate with machines and receiving texts from animals (German)

February 2013

2013-02-05 – 2013-02-06
m-days Frankfurt
Panel discussion on mobile operating systems: Spoilt for Choice (m-days congress)
Developer Garden: Telekommunikation trifft Next Generation Media (m-days fair)

2013-02-22 – 2013-02-23
jQuery Europe 2013 Vienna
Next Generation Media made easy thanks to APIs and jQuery (English)

2013-02-26 – 2013-02-28
embedded world Nuremberg

March 2013

2013-03-05 – 2013-03-09
CeBIT Hannover
(Not yet confirmed)

June 2013

2013-06-24 – 2013-06-27
Developer Week Nuremberg
(Not yet confirmed)

Konferenzen 1. Halbjahr 2012

Nachdem die decocded und die beyond tellerrand nun geschafft sind, habe ich gerade meine Liste an Konferenzen für das restliche erste Halbjahr 2012 aktualisiert: Geplant sind am 25. Mai der multimediatreff in Köln, am 5. Juni die Webinale in Berlin und am 12. Juni die median[plan]tage in Bremen. Die Themen drehen sich um Next Generation Media, Designer-Developer-Workflow, Prototyping, Intermedia Design und Cross-Platform- und Platform-Independent-Development. Dazwischen finden noch ein paar Veranstaltungen zu Windows 8 mit mir als Trainer statt. Auch für die zweite Jahreshälfte gibt es bereits viele Pläne, aber noch ist nichts spruchreif (Anregungen und Ideen sind sehr willkommen)…